Therapeutic Links staff is continuously learning and growing. We are available to create presentations based on your needs in order to teach the community about child development, parenting strategies and much more. All presentations include handouts/brochures to support the presentation. See our most popular presentations below for more detail!
Please contact Tracy Lyndon at if you are interested in any of these FREE PRESENTATIONS .
When a child has sensory processing disorder, he or she may demonstrate negative behaviors as a means to self-regulate. This staff or parent presentation goes in depth about how to tell the difference between sensory and behavior, how to incorporate appropriate sensory breaks in the classroom and strategies to put in action. Now also incorporating the latest in brain breaks and self regulation programs!
This presentation helps staff identify developmental milestones (motor, speech, social, etc.), red flags for maladaptive performance, as well as education on understanding the need for a free screening. An overview of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and how Therapeutic Links utilizes this screening tool is incorporated.
A more in depth look is given at the age expectations and the foundational skills needed for early independence of self care skills. Strategies are discussed to promote independence including fun activities.
This is a lesson for students! A therapist will attend your school/preschool/daycare to directly teach your students the age appropriate efficient way to hold a writing utensil while participating in fun and engaging activities that can be duplicated in the classroom. The teachers get to learn as their students learn how their hands can be alligators. The alligators learn to kiss, eat “food”, spit “food” out and then play with toys. This all translates to the foundational skills needed to hold a writing utensil. Grips and other adaptive tools are introduced to the students as well in order to further support their ability to grasp efficiently. This is a great presentation for kids ages 3-4+.
Fine motor development is reviewed in more detail including specific writing utensil grasp patterns at certain ages and strategies for efficient writing utensil grasp strengthening and development. A variety of full body, upper body and hand exercises, activities and adaptations are given and questions are answered about specific concern areas experienced. Other school based and self care skills are also addressed.
"I am very impressed with how organized and well run Therapeutic Links is. I appreciate receiving the written updates after each session. The same therapist is available every week, which is nice for both child and parent. Also like how accessible therapist is - can email/text if necessary too. Would definitely recommend facility and therapist!