Danielle is a registered and licensed occupational therapist. She graduated from Rush University Medical Center with a Masters degree in Occupational Therapy. Prior to becoming a therapist, Danielle worked as a preschool teacher and assistant director for five years. Her trainings include MNRI (Musgutova Neuro Sensory Motor Reflex Integration), Bal-a-visx, Rhythmic Movement Training, The Alert Program, Zones of Regulation, Interactive Metronome, Handwriting Without Tears and Healing Touch. Her experiences include school, home and aquatic therapy. Danielle has extensive training in the use of assistive technology. And, is also certified in Therapeutic Listening. Danielle works in the early intervention system in both Lake and McHenry county. Danielle is a wife to Adam and a mom to 3 boys-, Kieran and twins, Dillon and Emmet! She keeps her boys busy with sports, crafts, books and LOTS of outside time!