Brenna is a licensed pediatric occupational therapist. Her education includes a Bachelor's degree in Rehabilitation Psychology and a Master's degree in occupational therapy, both from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Brenna holds post-professional certifications in Ayres' Sensory Integration from the University of Southern California and DIR-Floortime. Masgutova Sensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) has also had a strong influence on Brenna's education and approach to OT. She has taken 10+ unique courses with MNRI over the years. In addition, she has completed a variety of continuing education trainings, including: Interoceptive Awareness, TEACCH, Rhythmic Movement Training (RMT), Therapeutic Listening, Astronaut Training, Brain Gym, Emergent Writing and Literacy, MORE: Integrating the Mouth with Sensory and Postural Functions, and Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT)... among others!
Brenna loves developing and reflecting on therapy ideas, experiences, big-picture processes at-large, so continuing education and learning with/from others is one of Brenna's favorite OT passions! Brenna's experience includes working with all ages, from babies to young adults—with their own unique goals, needs, and abilities. She has worked in clinic, school, telehealth, home, daycare, and private school settings. Brenna loves OT for the opportunities it provides to work with a variety of populations and in different settings; she loves seeking answers and exercising ideas with all types of clients. Above all, Brenna approaches therapy with a strengths-based and neurodiversity affirming perspective and values security, creativity, and fun to promote children's confidence and meaningful engagement in daily life activities. In her spare time, Brenna enjoys spending time outdoors, reading, listening to podcasts, exercising (yoga and strength training, especially), watching a good TV show, and lots of DIY projects!